Leverage Vehicle Data for Powering Your Vehicle Servicing Business
Stay in touch with your customers and improve servicing outcomes. Increase customer touch-points and identify relevant servicing opportunities.
AutoWiz Connected Car solution uses affordable and easy to install OBD Devices. Our feature rich Mobile App for customers keeps them engaged and loyal to your workshop - Live tracking, Driving Behavior and Car Health.
App includes a comprehensive health report based on historical data and comparison with peer set of cars. Rates the car on key performance and maintenance parameters and guides the customer on when to service the car.
AutoWiz in your customer's car provides that vital link between your workshop and your customer. Via our Service partner portal, monitor each car's usage since last service and get real-time alerts for Battery, Coolant and Engine issues.
Get access to the detailed car health rating report that the customer sees in the App. Identify right point to call and be proactice in solving issue.
Take a test drive with our Device plugged into an incoming car into the workshop and generate a full Inspection Report.
Get data driven insights and ratings on car's internal condition including Diagnostics, Power, Performance and key Maintenance parameters. Remove guesswork on what to fix and servicing outcome with post servicing Inspection report.
Use our platform and services to develop connected workshop solutions, including connected scanner applications for the workshops and central dashboards.
Combine the workshop scanner data with telematics data for each vehicle to get accurate pre and post servicing performance monitoring.
Analyze patterns of diagnostic data across the population of your vehicles to predict warranty events and forecast inventory of spares in a particular region or a particular make.